Monday, December 10, 2012

The start of a journey

#82: Read the entire standard works - cover to cover.

It has been a goal of mine for a long, long time to read the entire standard works, and I think I've started reading each of them in turn (except, perhaps, the Doctrine & Covenants...not sure why), but I've only ever finished the Book of Mormon. It actually kind of depresses me that I have read the entire series of Harry Potter more than I have the scriptures.  Granted, I listen to HP, so that makes it easier, and I refuse to listen to the scriptures on tape...I mean, have you ever listened to it? It's awful.
Anyway, back in January/February I made a chart (I'm fabulous at making charts) that broke down the entire Old Testament into a reading schedule that would allow me to read it in just under a year (and since I would nearly be done by now if I had kept to can see that I am terrible at following charts).  I think I made it one day and just lost interest because I had exhausted all of my interest in making the chart, and not in following through.

Well, as it is one of my 99 goals to read the entire standard works, and as that is certainly not something that I can accomplish in a short period of time, I've restarted.  It's 3 chapters a day.  I can do that. I can do that. I can do that.

I have the hiccups and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY!!

I can do that!! Now, here's my game plan. I will inevitably fail to read for a day or so in the next year as I trudge through the who's who of ancient genealogies, but I'm going to break this into weeks (it goes along nicely with Goal #83) and END my week on Sunday.  Now, this may not seem like it makes any difference, but it does. Sunday is the day when I get the "spiritual bug" and I am more willing to sit for a few hours and read the scriptures.  This is awesome because if I END my week on Sunday, then I can make up for any chapters that I missed that week instead of trying to read my own mind and see into the future.


I can do that. I did indeed read my first three chapters today (after moving my ribbon from chapter 2 where I left off back in January/February).


This is going to be fun!


I'm going to go back to listening to Harry Potter now.

Hiccup.  ARRRGGHHH!!!!

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